Still Life
Nell Symonds - Leisel
Jessie Feitosa - Champagne and Strawberries
Andrea Wilson - Corner Setting
Eva Stockdale - Enchanted
Eva Stockdale - Serenity
Eva Stockdale - Beyond the Dunes
Belinda Jeanes - Blue in Green I
Belinda Jeanes - Curiosities
Cathy Usatoff- Pastel Hillsides
Cathy Usatoff- Blushing Splendour
Bec Bartell - Tranquil morning
Bec Bartell - Soft Beauty
Bec Bartell - About to Bloom
Nell Symonds - Clara
Grace Butterfield - Oyster Platters
Grace Butterfield - Pumpkin with apron
Natasha Junmanee - PB on Toast
Natasha Junmanee - Crushed
Nell Symonds - Lenno
Nell Symonds - Erba
Alice Tilley - Simple pleasures II
Alice Tilley - Slow mover
Alice Tilley - Simple pleasures
Alice Tilley - Better together
Nell Symonds - Evelyn
Nell Symonds - Gweneth